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The Langford Loop​



The teaser trailer for "The Langford Loop":





















Producer: Taliah Lamont (Lamont Pictures)

Director: Baden Burns

D.O.P: Reece Beale

Editor: Baden Burns & Reece Beale

Sound: David Lee Stothard


Length: 17 Minutes




Since their mother died of dementia, Robert and Finn Langford were estranged and rarely in contact. But when Robert asks Finn to test his time travel machine, Finn believes there is finally a chance to reunite. But, as he will soon find out, this 'test' will be more than his brother let on. 


Producers statement:


There was something so approachable about "The Langford Loop", especially in the brothers. I have siblings myself and I saw so much of my relationship in their own relationship that I couldn't help but fall into their world with them. From military divorced parents to their differences in their outlooks on life; one being more optimistic, loving and chipper, the other being cold and intelligent, but quietly emotional and child-like. 


I loved the idea of keeping such a fantastic genre so grounded, to use it as a vessel to carry a very human story instead of getting distracted by the bells and whistles. It was a very focused story with few characters and locations, it kept everything centered on the emotional troubles of the characters, itself, and all the elements within it are carefully constructed to say everything they should. 


"The Langford Loop" is currently in production, awaiting its festival release in Summer 2018. ​


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