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Producer: Taliah Lamont

Director: Safeena Iqbal

D.O.P/Editor: Mariana Valente

Sound: Misa Kicinova


Length: 5 Minutes




After her sister dies, a young girl, and now the only child, is left with her grief and contemplates killing her self so she can seek relief. Although after she attempts to drown herself in the bath, she is flooded by a rush of memories.


Producers statement:


It was difficult getting such a large story in a small amount of time, it felt like it should be longer but the film was a good process in getting the best artists you can because our editor made this film come alive and feel much more expansive than we could have hoped. It was also a brilliant lesson in visuals as we ended up with a gorgeous pastel pink and cream colour scheme with our lead actress wearing an intrusive black dress. It was a gorgeous little piece of film.



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